Chance has done really well in his first week home. He is eating great and going to the bathroom normally. Every now and then he will whimper if he lays in one place for too long, but he usually gets over it pretty quick. There have been a few occasions where he woke up in the middle of the night and panicked a little, but for the most part, he has been a really happy boy. Below is a picture of his stitches, which are doing well. He is still swollen and a little bruised, but not nearly as bad as when he came home. He goes in on the 15th of July to have is stitches removed and start his first chemo treatment. We are really happy with how well Chance has done after the surgery and hope that he continues to get better as we go through the chemo. More to come…

P.S. Thanks to all who have commented on the posts so far. We really appreciate the kind words and are thankful to be part of a community as supportive as